A high detail and dimension accurate 3d model of Logitech G25 shifter unit.
The 3d model was created by looking at the real object on hand.

This 3d model is available for sales at 3d marketplace Turbosquid.
Product ID: 1144102
Price: 29 USD
If you want to see more pictures or purchase this 3d model, please click the image below.
Model created in 3ds Max 2010 (native)
Images rendered in Vray 2.0 with subdivid 2.
File format provided : max, 3ds, fbx and obj
Material included : Standard material and VRay material. They are packed into two separately zip files.
Plugin : VRay is required to open the file with VRay material
Lighting and background : Not included.
Detail of the model :
Polygons : 5,181 (subdivid 0) / 40,282 (subdivid 1) / 160,882 (subdivid 2)
Vertices : 5,362 (subdivid 0) / 20,763 (subdivid 1) / 81,567 (subdivid 2)
Texture : Total 18 files in tga format for diffuse and texture
World scale, refer to real object size
Unit : mm
Size : 143mm(X), 259mm (Y), 194mm (Z)
UVW mapping was used on all components except those with unwrap uvw.
Unwrap UVW was used on the main casing, leather hub, leather shift knob, rotary switch, D-pad and the metal panel.
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